Terranean refers to planet Earth, as I am a geographer. It also includes Tera, a diminutive of my name. And I am a knitter and sewer. That's what Terranean Stitch means.

Knitting & Sewing • 1. 1. 2023

I usually am a huge planner and organiser. That’s why I love Ravelry! However, the usual Make Nine Challenge with specific patterns hasn’t worked for me in the past because I change my mind throughout the year and don’t want to knit the chosen patterns anymore. That’s why I decided for a bit of change (what a shock! I usually hate changes!). My Make Nines now include mainly a general wish such as “more knitted socks” or “sew something in corduroy”. This way, my Make Nines will hopefully guide me and remind me of what I need or want in my wardrobe. And another change is that I prepared a Make Nine list not only for knitting, as in the previous years, but also for sewing, as I sew more and more frequently. So it’s more like #MakeEighteen2023, actually! So what am I planning for 2023?

Knitting • 26. 12. 2022

My #MakeNine2021 was kind of “catastrophic”. Well, it wasn’t after all because I didn’t really care. It was my first Make Nine, and I made the list in just a day. So it’s no surprise I finished only two planned designs. That’s why I wanted to choose wiser for my #MakeNine2022 and started thinking and rethinking a few months ahead. The result of 6/9 finished designs is an achievement compared to the previous year! How did it go, and how do I like the finished projects?

Sewing • 1. 10. 2022

Usually, when looking for a new sewing pattern that best matches my idea, I take refuge on Pinterest. I have hierarchically structured boards where I save patterns and clothes that other people sewed. However, I miss a list of companies where I could find some sewing patterns – because I have poor memory and always forget the web addresses. So I decided to create the list, not only for myself but for anyone who would be interested.

Terranean refers to planet Earth, as I am a geographer. It also includes Tera, a diminutive of my name. And I am a knitter and sewer. That's what Terranean Stitch means.